Twenty Tips All Freshers Should Know

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Good Morning Everyone!

So if you're reading this, you may have possibly just received your A-Level results, how exciting! Or you will be receiving your results at some point today. Teenagers across the UK will be currently feeling a variety of emotions. These include excitement, denial, worry and acceptance, all at the same time. Unfortunately I didn't study at Sixth form, I went to college instead and I knew on my last day what my results would be so overall I was very pleased and had nothing to worry about what I received my certificates through the post on results day. So I have no idea what you guys are currently going through. However, if you have got what you wanted, congratulations! If you are not too pleased, don't worry; there is always a plan B!
I am here today to provide you with twenty tips ready for your freshers year. You all need to know these and they will definitely help you throughout your first year at University.

University can be quite a scary and worrying situation to be in. You have no idea what it's going to be like or who the people are going to be on your course, but that's okay. A lot of the experiences at University, you won't learn until you experience it for yourself. For example, there are a lot of meals you can cook on 200 °C for 20-30 minutes and how skipping lectures may seem like a good thing. However, while you are skipping these lectures, you're wasting a lot of money when you're paying £7000-£9000 a year, to be at them lectures.
So here are twenty tips all you freshers need to know about University and how to get through your first year of the unknown!

Let's get too it;

1. You do not need to pack the kitchen sink.
I am definitely one for over spending and when you receive your letter of acceptance from the University, I'm sure the first thing you want to do is go shopping and make lists of everything you will need. You will not need half of the things on your list! It's just like packing for a holiday. Only purchase the essentials and the things you will actually use either every day or every week.

2. Explore on your own.
When you move in to university, there will be a couple of weeks or days before you actually start your lectures. There are all of the fresher parties in the evenings, so spend your days exploring on your own. Find out what's near your university, what shops and cafes are local and get to know the area that you'll be living in.

3. Good intentions will not last very long.
Everyone goes to university with good intentions. The idea of ironing clothes every single morning, or washing your clothes every other day. Making your bed might even be one of your intentions but it won't last very long. Don't be disheartened after your second week at university when your clothes are screwed up instead of nicely folded away.

4. Don't have high expectations.
There are so many stories out there about university experiences. Some people say it's the best years of their lives, whereas some say it is pretty rubbish, and they couldn't wait to finish and get away from University. Try not to have high expectations; this is your experience and experience University the way you want too. Social media definitely makes University look a lot better than what it truly is and this can dishearten some people. Go to university with no expectations and everything will be positive.

5. Do not offer to wash up.
If you offer to wash up, this will be your job while you're at university. So many of my friends have mentioned how on one day they have offered to wash up and then it's expected every single time there's a sink full of dishes. Do not do it! Try and create a rota for everyone to join in and take turns in the chores.

6. Make an effort with other people.
I couldn't express this more; People do not show their true selves over social media so it can be difficult to socialise with them once you're face to face. Make an effort, say hello and be kind! The first few weeks of university will be lonely as you're all in the same position of being somewhere different, while also not knowing anyone but that's okay. My closest friends are at University with me and I had to get through the awkward stage to get to where we are now but it was worth it!

7. Do not leave work till the night before & back it up!
First things first, back your work up! I remember in college when I lost my USB stick and that was where I stored all of my essays and it was all gone. I couldn't express this point more, back up every single piece of work to every device possible and online backup systems too; you never know when a disaster will occur! Also, leaving your work till the last minute will just make it rubbish. Nothing will make sense and your tutor will just throw it back in your face and tell you to do it again. Give yourself time to complete your work.

8. Go to the freshers fairs!
I absolutely loved the freshers fair at my university last year and I will be going again this year, sh don't tell anyone! Freshers fairs are a great way of meeting new people and finding out what's going on around the University. You can also pick up lots of freebies which is always a great thing!

9. Register with the doctors or medical centre.
If you're moving away from home, then you're going to need to register with some sort of medical centre. So many accidents happen while at University, and you're going to need somewhere to go when you slip in the shower while drunk or when you run out of your contraceptive pill! Girls you'll know what I mean. Before you even go to University, make sure to register to a medical centre!!

10. Manage your money.
Luckily enough I do not have this issue regarding university rent fees etc, however you will need to be able to manage your money. There is many ways of doing this and I personally love to have a billion bank accounts for a billion different things even if there is £10 in each account, that's fine with me. Find a way to manage your money so you have enough money to last you the month after paying for rent, bills, food etc etc.
11. Decorate your room, the way you want too.
I have seen this on so many different occasions and unfortunately social media can sometimes be quite controlling. Many people, girls especially try to have the perfect bedroom which will look great on their social media accounts but it shouldn't be this way. Decorate your room the way you want too, not the way social media does. If you want black walls, you paint them black! It's your university experience at the end of the day.

12. In a relationship? do what suits you both.Long distance relationships can go both ways, they either work, or they don't. On many occasions, people tell you to break up with your high school boyfriend or girlfriend and find someone who you can see while you're at university as the distance will never work, but this isn't always the case. If you love your partner, you will be able to cope with the distance between you and make it work. Do what suits you both, not what others want you to do.

13. Do not buy every book on the reading list brand new.
Before the start of every semester, you will be given the longest reading list ever and under every book title, it will say "Recommended purchase". If you want to go ahead and buy every book that's on the reading list, find places which sell these second hand otherwise it is going to cost you a fortune to buy them brand new at £25-30 a book. There are many places where students sell their old books once they have finished with them, and their usually at least half the price or more.

14. Freshers flu, you'll most likely get it.
I couldn't believe this when I heard it, but there is such thing as a freshers flu. Even if you don't go to the freshers parties or the fairs, you will some how catch this flu. You'll have a croaky throat and feeling probably a little bit rubbish but after the first few weeks, you'll be completely fine!

15. Get Insurance.
Just as important as backing everything up; get insurance if you are moving away from home. Unfortunately student accommodations are places which are targeted the most because that's where all the technology is. Not only will insurance back you up if your laptop etc is stolen, but if you spill your morning coffee or tea over your laptop, it won't be the end of the world.

16. Don't expect your flat mates to be your new family.
Another high expectation of many people; expecting flat mates to be like your family. It is never going to happen! Everyone is different, and at my university there is definitely a wide age range across the board. You are not going to get along with everyone and your flat mates will definitely not be as close as your family. Accept it before you even start university!

17. Check for damages when you move in.
First things first, check for damages when you move in. You don't want to leave university and have a massive bill in your hands for something that was broken which you never even touched. Make sure everything is working and that there is no leaks before you even unpack. If there's a damage, report it immediately so it can be dealt with.

18. Try and say yes to every opportunity.
Saying yes to every opportunity can be quite time consuming and stressful all at the same time. However, university is one of them things that you'll only experience once and it's great to say that you achieved something while you were studying! I personally took on the role of student rep and student ambassador in my first year at University, because it was something different and new for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it too.

19. Find the best way to do your food shopping.
When you were out exploring did you find your local store? Or was it 8 miles away and you have no way of travelling to it? Find the best place to do your food shopping and stick to that one place. Is Tesco around the corner to you, and in walking distance? Or is the local shop, 4 miles away and you haven't got a car? Many supermarkets deliver either with a cost, or for free over a certain amount spent. Shop around and find the best place for you.

20. First year doesn't count, but...
This is the one phrase you will hear over and over and over again throughout your first year and it can be so disheartening when you receive your first result and you only got 50%. Although your first year results do not count towards anything. It is a way of creating a platform for you to build on any weaknesses you have in your essays throughout your next year at university. You can also build on your critical analysis or your referencing which will improve and improve. You’ll find everyone tells you not to miss out in your first year as all the hard work starts after that. First year’s where you build your foundations both academic and individually, don’t underestimate its importance. If you're achieving 40-50% in your first year, make it your own personal goal to be hitting higher than that in your second year. Don't let the horrible phrase get you down, work to your highest potential.

Thank you for reading!

Let me know if you have got into University this September, and where you are going!

Make sure to follow me on Bloglovin and my other social media accounts.

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica

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  1. This was such a refreshing read! I got an unconditional place at uni this year so thankfully i too didnt need to wait on results... Im so excited to start next month, and these tips are amazing!

    Sara //

  2. thank you for this post a bit of a life saver at the moment i found out i got into uni yesterday and have done nothing but panic since haha

  3. Nice article! Love it and really inspiring!

    Blog :
    IG : daniela_correia
    Snap : daniicatzz

  4. Thank you very much! That was quite helpful :-D

  5. haha I love this post so much! It makes m miss being a fresher. If I could go back to any year of my undergraduate, it would 100% be first year! Great post xx


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