Finishing My Second Year

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Good Morning!
I hope you're having a lovely start to the weekend.

I am currently at #BWBLaunch while you're reading this (that's if you're reading it on the day I've published) and I'm so excited to share with you all of the shots I get and my thoughts on my first event! But for now, I'm sharing with you my thoughts on finishing my second year of University, at blimming last!

I know so many people say University gets so much harder as you go on, but honestly I wouldn't say my second year was any harder than what my first year was. Although, my first year wasn't difficult. I'd personally say college was more difficult than University. However there has been boring modules and the modules which I have felt extremely unmotivated with and I have been very unwilling to complete the work ASAP like what I usually would.

The one thing I found a struggle this year compared to last year was my tutors and how disorganised they were; they were a lot worse this year than last year; I don't have a clue how I got through it with the way they work.

So now that my second year has finished, it's time to start thinking about my third year and what I'm going to do for my Undergraduate Major Project, or my dissertation as many people know it as. I honestly do not have a clue what I'm going to do mine on. It's something which I have been thinking about for months yet I still haven't come up with any ideas.

If anyone has done an Early Years or Primary Education course, I'd love to know what you did yours on!

At this stage, I'm thinking about my studygram (@kj.studies) and talking more about student life here on my blog. If there's anything about being a student at University or even college that you'd like me to cover, then please let me know and I'll be sure to cover it at some point, on a Saturday!

I hope you have a lovely day and I'll see you soon!

Kimberley Jessica


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