7 Ways To Stay Motivated On A Rainy Day | Guest Post

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Good Evening!
I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.

Today on my blog I have something a little bit different for you! If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll be aware of my Autumn Guest Post Series, where once a week I am going to have a blogger featuring a post on my blog. These posts are going to be varied from baking, student life, lifestyle, beauty to mental health awareness. I really hope you like this series I am creating on my blog and if all goes well, I will also have a weekly guest post for Winter too, so keep an eye out for any updates.

So let's get too it;

Hi! I’m Danielle and I’m a 25 year old beauty and lifestyle blogger living in the North West. I have recently been working in Florida at Disney World and have come back to Chester for a fresh start in the UK. After taking a break from Missdanielle.com, my passion has returned and I’ve started posting regularly once again. I write make-up reviews, travel pieces, healthy and fitness advice and routines and general lifestyle posts. Take a look, see what you think and if follow me on Bloglovin if you like my site to keep up to date!

Here are my 7 ways to stay motivated on a rainy day!

We all have those days where we wake up, it’s grey and dull, we can hear the rain on the window and we’re instantly in a crappy mood. Sometimes it can be really difficult to get out of it and you ended up wasting a day moping on the sofa or just generally feeling really down and unproductive. After living in Manchester (the rainiest city in the UK!) for four years, I can definitely say I’ve had my fair share of those days. There are a few things I try to do to break the cycle through out the day and stop feeling sorry for myself. With the Autumn just round the corner and the weather starting to worsen, I thought I’d share what I do.

1. Get up and get dressed.
Sometimes you really want to just stay in bed and watch Netflix all day, and that’s great to do once in a while but I find if I’m in an awful mood, it makes me worse. Jump in a hot shower, get dressed, put your make-up on and do your hair; I always feel ten times better.

2. Do something productive. 
I always have stuff to do but takes me a while to get my head down to do. Whether it’s blogging, chores or general life organisation. Write a check list and go through it ticking each bit off as you go. It makes you feel like you haven’t wasted your day and achieved something.
3. Cook. 
Whether it’s baking a cake or cooking something great for dinner. Look what ingredients you already have you in your cupboard and do a little experimenting. Baking always gives your home a great smell too which always perks me up.

4. Get you friends over. 
If you know it’s going to be raining, or if your friends have no plans; get them over, stick your slob about clothes on and watch a movie. Crappy days aren’t ever crappy when you’re with people.
5. Put some music on. 
Nothing cheers me up than some upbeat music! I love Apple Music because you can have all your music across all your devices. They have some great pre-made playlists so have a browse, turn it up and have a dance and a sing-a-long.

6. Pamper yourself. 
Paint your nails. Put a face mask on. Try out a make-up look you’ve seen online. Make yourself feel pretty and try something new within the comfort of your new home.
7. Get out the house. 
If the weather isn’t torrential, get yourself in the outdoors. Going for a run or a walk is a great way to increase your endorphin's but if you don’t fancy the rain and the cold, head to the cinema, go to your local shopping centre, head to the gym. Even if you’re on your own. Getting out of the house can just generally cheer you up sometimes.

These are just a few of the things I do to try and perk myself up when I wake up in a bad mood and the weather is crappy. The most important thing to me is just doing something and keeping myself busy. The worst thing I can do is stay in and mope. Positivity is always key, if you’re not feeling the day, break out of the cycle for the day!

What things do you do to keep yourself motivated when you’re having a bad day?

Thank you for reading Danielle's guest post, and make sure to follow her on Twitter

I'll see you soon!

Kimberley Jessica 

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