The Liebster Award

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Good evening my lovelies!
I hope you have had a wonderful day.

So, recently Shannice Alice nominated me for The Liebster Award, and to be quite honest I had never ever heard of this until I had a little notification pop up on my phone. The Liebster Award was created to find out different things about bloggers and to also share love for other bloggers out there; a great way of getting noticed and sharing common interests! So thank you Shannice for nominating me!
If you are nominated, these are the rules that you must follow:
1.) Post 11 facts about yourself.
2.) Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
3.) Nominate 11 other bloggers.
4.) Ask them 11 questions.
5.) Let them know that you have nominated them.

So let's get too it;

1. I absolutely love chocolate, I would definitely call myself a chocoholic.
2. I'm also a coffee addict, I can't go a day without a mug of coffee.
3. I am a Gemini and I would 100% say I have every characteristic of a Gemini.
4. I am a book worm, give me a book and I'll read it in a couple of days, if not a day! 
5. I used to have a race car, a beautiful metallic pink Vauxhall Tigra!
6. I'm going to be a Primary School teacher in September 2019! wooo
7. I have to be organised with absolutely everything.
8. I always wanted to open up my own Animal Rescue Centre in my back garden.
9. I have a real obsession with Bambi, Agnes and her Unicorn from Despicable me and Marie from Aritocats. 
10. I have 18 piercings.
11. Secondary school was the worst 5 years of my life.

11 Questions Shannice Alice Asked Me;
1.What is your favourite book? I feel like my favourite book, is probably the Crossfire series by Sylvia day, erotic but I absolutely love the way she writes.
2. One place that is number one on your travel bucket list? I would absolutely love to go to Verona!
3. What is one thing you wish you could change about the world? No bullying, such a horrible thing!
4. What will your Halloween costume be this year? I don't celebrate Halloween 
5. Favourite pizza topping? of course meat feast! 
6. What is your spirit animal? Hm, a bambi!
7. What language would you love to learn? I would absolutely love to learn Dutch or Spanish 
8. How would you describe your style? Simple and casual!
9. What tips would you give to newbie bloggers? Be yourself, be organised and schedule!
10. Who is your style icon? Honestly, I don't have one! 
11. What is one thing that has made you really happy recently? my job, my blog and the blogging community! 

11 Bloggers I have Nominated;
1. Em 
3. Eloise
4. Rachel
5. Emily
6. Grace
7. Sally
8. Katie
9. Yasmin
10. Lily
11. Jordanne

11 Questions for you;
1. If you were to restart your blog, what would you do differently?
2. What's your favourite thing about Autumn?
3. If you were to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. What's your favourite thing to do in your spare time (apart from blogging)?
5. Favourite part about Christmas?
6. What's your worst habit?
7. If you could live in a different country, which one would you choose and why?
8. Most embarrassing story? 
9. What do you love about your life right now?
10. What's your favourite season?
11. Would you rather have your dream job, or become a blogger full time?

I hope you enjoyed this post and it's great to be recognised by other bloggers!

Thank you for reading and make sure to follow me on Bloglovin and my other social media accounts

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica

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  1. I love the Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day! Just love the way she writes, so much better than the Fifty Shades books!

    Meg xx


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