Hosting My First Twitter Chat

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Good Morning Lovelies!
I hope you are having a lovely day!

If you follow me on twitter, you may be aware that I took over the #TeaCupClub Chat very recently, I believe it was Sunday 28th August. I absolutely love the TeaCupClub chat and it is definitely one of the many which I try to always attend! The topics are always great and everyone who attends is always so chatty and lovely! They're all definitely open to talking to new bloggers or new people that they've never spoken to before. It's lovely to have such a welcoming blogger community.

Twitter chats are absolutely great for communicating with other bloggers, getting to know them and being able to see how they are behind their blog. Sort of like behind the scenes. I have spoken to so many bloggers through twitter chats and they're all so genuine and welcoming. It makes my heart melt a little bit. Although, you will always find the bloggers who aren't so genuine but this is completely fine.

I was very nervous about hosting a twitter chat because I had absolutely no idea what to expect and like all bloggers, was thrown in in the deep end with no idea how it's going to turn out. I know a lot of bloggers use tweet deck to help them respond to tweets a lot quicker and easier however I found my tweet deck just weren't refreshing and I really wasn't enjoying it. So I decided to use my little old IPod using the twitter app. I started from the bottom by responding to the very first tweet I received at the start of the chat, and then I made my way up the notifications by replying to each tweet I received. Luckily enough, my twitter app automatically added new tweets to the top of my notifications list without making them all move like the twitter app used too! I remember it used to be really difficult seeing tweets come through as the notifications would be non stop moving.

From hosting my first twitter chat I learnt a few things which I thought I'd share with you.

Firstly, you may not be able to reply to everyone, but this is okay.
Although I managed to reply to every single tweet I received, I know some people find it really difficult to do this but it's okay. I remember attending one twitter chat, and after responding to so many different tweets, the host of the twitter chat didn't like or reply to any of my tweets and it can be quite disheartening when you're joining in but really, you're not joining in at all when your tweets aren't being noticed. By responding to different tweets, and not replying to the same person after each question, it makes the twitter chat a lot more varied and replying at least once to each person is better than not replying at all.

Secondly, you need to remember to answer your own question.
Although it's great to reply to everyone's answers, the people who are attending the twitter chat want to see your answer's too! So don't forget to do this. I have seen many twitter chats where the host asks the questions, answer's everyone's replies but they don't answer their own question. I sit here wondering what their answer would have been.

Thirdly, if you ask people to share their links, actually look at their blogs.
Another thing, it is common for the host to ask for links at the end of the blogger chat, so people share their own blogs and find others in the process. I feel like it's really important as a host of a twitter chat to actually take this opportunity to look at other people's blogs, read a post or even a few if you're enjoying their blog and leave comments too. Otherwise, what's the point in asking for their links if you're not going to use them?

Last but not least, be yourself.
I can't express how important this last point is, just be yourself if you are hosting a twitter chat. Bloggers love twitter chats because it's a great way of promoting their blog while also speaking to new people. They don't care if you have different views too them and they don't care if you voice your own opinion. It's important in life to do this to start a conversation, right? Be yourself, the blogger community is so welcoming and open to new people, no matter who you are or what you blog about. Each blogger is unique and this is the best part about it.

Let me know what your favourite twitter chat is, I'd love to know!

Thank you for reading and make sure to follow me on Bloglovin to receive updates!

I'll see you very soon

Kimberley Jessica

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  1. Well as you said: if someone took part in chat, check their blog! Here I am! Thank you for taking part in BeeChat! Best Wishes, Iga x

  2. Really useful blog post as I love joining in with Twitter chats but I'm yet to host one myself. I can imagine it all moves so quickly so it's good to know there's no pressure to respond to everyone. Thanks for sharing your tips!

    Wunms | xx

  3. Your blog banner is so pretty! x
    Morgan |


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