How Is She 45 Weeks Old?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Good Morning!
I hope you are having a wonderful week.

It's absolute madness how not long ago I was sharing my first ever post showing off my new puppy to you and now she is 45 weeks old. It's crazy how fast the past 8 months have flown by. Willow is 45 weeks old and it's crazy to say in just over a month she will be a year old. How?! I started sharing updates of willow every two weeks and now it's every five weeks as her development started to slow down and she wasn't really changing in appearance.

I have to say in five weeks, Willow definitely hasn't grown since the last time I updated you on how she is; however I'm not entirely sure if she has put on weight. Willow is still her usual crazy self but also the laziest dog I know! She'll happily lay on my bed, my mum's bed or the sofa for the whole day and that is where she'll stay. Willow is 100% a laid back dog and doesn't run around the house like a lunatic like my boyfriend's puppy does. 

As the weeks have flown by, we've realised how much she is more like a husky than a German Shepherd. We're thoroughly enjoying going through the Facebook husky groups and seeing other people's full breed huskies and seeing how much they represent the type of dog Willow is; it's great!

Willow is slowly becoming more used to people the more she interacts with them. She's still not as keen when it comes to a stranger approaching her and she tends to back off but she's a lot better than she used to be. Willow also absolutely hates children; if you have a dog which disliked children, how did you overcome this? We have absolutely no idea.

If you're interested in regularly seeing new pictures and updates of Willow, make sure to follow her Instagram (@_willowbelle) or my personal Instagram (@kimmcpherson_)

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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