Own Your Body

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Good Afternoon!
I hope you're having a great day.

So here's to something a little bit different and a little bit out of everyone's comfort zone but that's exactly why I'm bringing this here to Kimberley Jessica. Don't you think sex toys and and discussion about what happens in the bedroom needs to be discussed more, instead of being shied and hidden away? So while people are trying to make themselves feel better by eating healthier, drink less alcohol or even cutting out sugar; why not think about what happens in the bedroom and how it benefits us in the long run.

Something I found absolutely incredible is how an orgasm causes an increase in the hormone DHEA which helps to maintain and repair tissue in our body, while also promoting healthier skin, including that "glow" you see in people's skin.

We all know orgasm's release tension and that's exactly why couples have their time in the bedroom after an argument. They flush out stress induced cortisol which is an inflammatory hormone. Reducing anxiety and built up stress. Of course we cannot say your anxiety or stress will completely disappear, but an orgasm will definitely reduce the highest amount of tension.
We've all seen the traditional sex toys which places such as Ann Summers promote and sell, but forget hiding them away in your drawers. Satisfyer had produced the cutest and smallest sex toys which you won't want to hideaway in your bottom drawer. The Satisyfer Pro Penguin is the cutest of all designs; so small and petite but in the most comfortable shape. The curved head provides 11 different programmes so it's perfect for all intensities. Satisfyer also include rechargeable batteries which use a magnetic cable with a USB end; so they're perfect for all of your adventures; in the UK or around the world.

So whether you're looking for a gift for your loved one, finding a way to spice up your sex life or even looking for a treat for yourself, look no further at the new generation of sex toys; the ones which aren't supposed to be hidden away!

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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