Hello November

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Good Morning.
I hope you're having a good week.

Can we just mention the fact it's December in a month? How? Why is this year going so quickly? So this month isn't going to be filled with much fun and surprises; it's a standard month at the end of the year where I have to spend the majority of my time doing University work and being absolutely freezing. It's a pretty standard Autumn/Winter month for a student. Although the best part about November is it's not wrong to be listening to Christmas music and for sure I will be doing that while I'm sat cosy in my dressing gown doing my dissertation.

November is quite a difficult month for me to begin with as it's the anniversary of my Bestfriend's death tomorrow. Not exactly the way I like to start a new month however it does mean I'm an emotional wreck as we start the festive period. 

Something I am looking into at the moment is self care. Spending more time on yourself, learning to care for yourself more and having a more positive mind and body; it's an issue I'm currently struggling with which is one of the reasons why I have been quite withdrawn from social media at the moment. 

November is a month for productivity and getting things done; the month when I create loads of little goals to complete each day, each week and throughout the whole month; instead of the larger goals which I make during September, January and usually the start of Spring too.

So while I'm going to be productive with University, and hopefully my blog too. My main goal is to spend more time on myself, finding myself and generally being myself. Doing more of the things I love and it's an area I want to bring into my blog to potentially help others too.

Do you have a goal this month?

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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