Motivational Monday #20

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

 Good Morning!
I hope you're having a great start to a new week.

The reason why I started these motivational Monday posts is to share my thoughts on different situations and to spread positivity and motivation through the week. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I always go back to my past motivational Monday posts because I've found they always help me when I become stuck again and I hope this is the same for some of you.

Today's motivational Monday is based on not caring and generally learning to not give a shit about situations and negative people in your life. I know it's easier said than done, but trust me; it does get easier. 

If you don't know that I was bullied at school and college, then where have you been?! I have created many posts about my experience of bullying and the way it made me felt (which I know has helped many people). But when I was at school I let absolutely everything get to me and it wouldn't just get to me for a day or two, it affected my whole life for a long period of time, in fact seven years in total I was affected by bullying and it pretty much made my life and my outlook on life extremely negative. As some of you may know, negative people also made me struggle in my first year of University and I found my first year also very challenging; that's an eighth year of feeling like absolute shit. 

What I'm trying to get at is the way I dealt with negative people or negative situations varied throughout these eight years. And to be honest I would now like to say nine because I've come across dickish people once again. When I was at school, it killed me; and quite nearly literally. Bullying, negative people and negative situations controlled the whole of me and I couldn't change that. During college, I let it get to me to a similar state; I didn't want to go into college and I did feel extremely down about the whole thing. However, when I started University that's when I started to let go of this crap feeling; if people were negative towards me, I gave it back but worse; or I simply ignored it, depending how I was feeling at the time. University went on and it got easier to deal with negative comments and negative situations and I began to ignore them because that way the people weren't getting a reaction which they wanted; they were powerless.
On a recent occasion, and I mean last week sort of recently; I came across a negative situation with a lot of negative people and instead of wanting to run, hide and never go back; I only spent one day feeling completely pissed off with those people. And really, the only reason I felt pissed off was because of how two faced those people were. I wasn't pissed off with the fact they're complete bitches, because where ever I go, there will always be bitches; but if you're going to be a bitch, at least be a bitch to my face instead of just behind my back. 

After a day of feeling angry with everyone I was around, I went back to work and was as happy as ever; I didn't let these people get to me because that's what they wanted. They didn't even know that I was aware of what they had done so I had an advantage over them. Because I didn't stay upset or angry with them or the situation, they were also just as powerless as the people at University; because they hadn't affected me in the way they planned to because I didn't let them.

Now you may be thinking "but Kim, it's simple to say ignore it, but it's not that easy" and you're completely right, it's not easy. I've found because I have had to deal with so much negativity in my life from people and situations, the more I have had to deal with, the more I've come to learn how to deal with it. It's pretty much a game of trial and error; finding out what works and what doesn't. Fight or flight it, one of them will work but you need to figure out which one. From nine years of feeling shit; I've learnt the best thing to do when negativity comes your way is to simply ignore it and walk away; continue to do what you want to do because at the end of the day it's your life that's going to change depending on the way you deal with a situation. And this is where I have to mention; no matter what you do, you are always going to be criticised so you might as well do whatever you want to do. You can't please everyone, so don't try to.

How do you deal with shitty situations?

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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