Hello October

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Good Morning!
I hope you are having a wonderful day

It is the first of October, how quick did September fly by? I can't believe it! So October is probably the most Autumnal time of the year, the leaves will slowly start to crinkle and fall off while also changing colour. October is also the month of my mum's birthday which is very exciting! Although she hates getting older, it's another occasion to bake for, so I'm happy about that! I am now full time back at University, to be honest I only went in One day in September, which is insane! Since writing my "Hello September" post, I have also hit some of the goals which I set, eek! So it's now time to have another chat with you, let you all know what's going on throughout October, as well as any goals which I have set for the new month.

So let's get too it;

A few things I am looking forward to the most throughout October are;
Going back to University
So I explained in my Hello September post that I was really looking forward to going back to University. I only went in for one day throughout September, so I am officially now very excited to get back into the full swing of things. Going to University on a Wednesday and going into work on a Thursday and Friday then having Saturday to Wednesday off. It is a dream which I love living. I love to learn, I love working with children so October is going to be rather fun! However, University are also very unorganised right now which is the only unfortunate part of it all, but we'll get there! I'm excited to see all of my friends though.

Baking more
Although I have been baking more throughout September, it is now the time of the year when Halloween will soon be approaching! I have so many ideas jotted down for baking closer to Halloween and I am very excited to share all of my recipes with you so you can recreate them! Watch this space for the baking posts near to the end of October! I am for sure looking forward too it.

Working Out
I decided nearer to the end of September that it was time to start working out again. I started working out every day in April and I felt amazing and I started to see a difference and then I stopped. I started again two weeks before the end of September and then I feel ill so I was unable to carry on as I just didn't have the energy to even get out of bed. Now that it's a new month, I am taking the plunge and I am going to work out every single day throughout October, even if it kills me (which it won't). I'm looking forward too it!

Mornings getting colder and darker
I absolutely love a dark cold crispy morning, when I have no choice but to wack on a jumper and a scarf while getting into my car! I much prefer the cold to the hot and October is definitely the time of the year when it starts getting colder, but not too cold! I am 100% more of a morning person as well so I'm really looking forward to waking up when it's still dark, dragging myself out of bed and getting cosy in my winter dressing gown! Just typing it makes me feel all cosy!
My goals throughout October are as followed;
Read more;
So, this was one of my goals throughout September. However, because I was reading a book I really didn't enjoy, I just stopped reading again and I am so gutted I did this. So I've set this as my goal again throughout October however I am currently reading books I really enjoy so I will be posting a few reviews once I have completed them, letting you guys know what I thought about them and whether I recommend them to you!

Work out every day;
As I mentioned above, I'm really looking forward to working out everyday again. So if I write it as a goal, I know I'm more than likely going to complete it, than if I didn't write it as a goal. I really enjoy the 4 minute Hit Intensity Workouts which really get your heart pumping!

Enjoy University
My last goal is to enjoy university. I have a strong feeling I'm not going to enjoy University as much as I did in my first year just because my lecturers are getting a lot more unorganised than what they already were, which is never a good thing! They absolutely suck at replying to emails and when they say they're going to do something, they don't do it! I really want to enjoy my time at University, seeing as I am paying for it so we shall see where October brings us when it comes to studying!

Let me know what your goals are for October and what you're looking forward to most

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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  1. September was not a good month for me so I am excited this month has ended! I want to start baking too, I have so many ideas and recipes to try :)


  2. Great post! I'm surprisingly excited for uni too this year, not sure how long it will last though 😂 I definitely need to do more baking too! Great post!


  3. Great post! I'm surprisingly excited for uni too this year, not sure how long it will last though 😂 I definitely need to do more baking too! Great post!



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