Interview with Catherine Green | Guest Post

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hello, and thank you very much to Kimberley for inviting me over! I am here to introduce myself to new readers, and hopefully make some new friends in the blogosphere and beyond. But who am I? Well, that is a loaded question, as I am sure it is for many of us. So here it is: I am Catherine Green. I am a mother, a wife, an author, a blogger and a ghost hunter. I am so many more things besides, but those are my focus points for now.

So let's get too it;

As a mother and wife, I have decided to reclaim the old-fashioned label of “housewife” and show it
in a new light to encompass what we are in the 21st century. When I was a child, I grew up believing that I had to make something of my life when I left education. I was encouraged to study at college, and later at university, so that one day I could go out into the big, wide world, get a fantastic job, and fulfil all my dreams and aspirations. It didn’t happen. I left university with a “burger bar” degree (not my label, that was assigned by the UK media), I went into an entry-level office job, and for the next six years or so, I struggled along trying to obtain this wonderful ideal of being a successful career woman.

And then something changed. I was living with my then-partner, I got broody, we got pregnant, and I became the “housewife.” At around the same time I was writing my first novel, I had a couple of short stories published in YA anthologies, and subsequently I landed my first contract for a proper published novel. Little did I know what madness would ensue! What began as one standalone novel about humans, vampires and werewolves in a Cornish seaside resort, turned into a series collectively called
the Redcliffe novels. They tell the story of bookshop owner Jessica Stone and what happened when she fell in love with a vampire and his identical twin brother who just happens to be the local werewolf alpha. I like to think that Jessica is a version of myself in a parallel universe (only she is taller and has good eyesight).

So, what about the Housewife label? Why am I the Pagan Housewife? Because I am. Simple as that. I began to write a blog on the advice of publishing professionals after the release of my first novel, and then that blog took on a life of its own and became the home of SpookyMrsGreen: the Pagan Housewife. On there you can find my adventures in mindful parenting, explorations in cloth nappies, breastfeeding, milk donation, ghost hunting, British shamanism and witchcraft. Basically, I blog about whatever occupies my mind at any given time. That includes current novels in progress, writing related activities, and general lifestyle tips and features. I am currently favouring mental health issues and magick.
And, do you know what I discovered? Being a housewife is a pretty exciting job. I mean, yes, the hours are long (we have no breaks or downtime), there is no official wage, and your boss is basically your child or children, but we must use our imagination a lot to get through the day. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of long, boring, frustrating days when the children are ill or grumpy, but we get over it. Can I hear a “Hell, yeah” from the fellow housewives reading this post?
Before you go, I would like to tell you about my most recent novel, a contemporary English Gothic adventure called The Vampire of Blackpool. This one is standalone, but I am working on a collection of vampire hunter novels set in the North West of England (as instructed by my loyal fans). If you want to know more about my books, or my pagan housewife lifestyle, please do look at the website. I am offering a special Halloween gift if you join my tribe today. Sign up before 5th November, and I will send you a FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story), and a FREE Vampire Tarot reading (yes, I do divination!)

Thanks again for having me, and I look forward to seeing you all on my blog very soon!
You can find Catherine in the following places:

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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  1. Thank you very much for the guest spot! Have a spooky weekend 🎃👻😊


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