Mental Health Monday; Ouremptyjournal

Monday, October 10, 2016

Good evening everyone!

I’m Louise, I’ve been blogging for 3 years now, firstly about anything that linked with mental health, through the name “Perks of Recovery”. A year ago I started fresh with a new blog name called “Empty Journal” where the possibilities for me became endless.
After struggling with Mental health conditions for years, I turned to blogging as a way of coping with what I was going through and to encourage myself (and others) to continue fighting. I was able to turn my bad situations around in each post through rethinking the situation from another viewpoint.  I’m incredibly happy to be a part of this Mental health series because it encourages people to speak out about their issues. Perhaps more importantly, it allows us to know that we are not alone.

My issues
I have suffered from Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Anorexia for many years, but was only diagnosed in 2013. Since then I have tried many forms of self-help and medication in order to help regulate my emotional state.  I’ve tried and tested many everyday techniques and for me, here are some simple things that I wish someone had told me when I first started getting help;

My coping techniques;
Talk to someone- If you have worries about anything then talk to someone that knows about your struggles and they will be able to support you. If you talk to your parents then they may even be able to alter some things to make you feel more comfortable. For some people, talking to professionals/stranger’s is perfect for them because the lack of an emotional bond makes it easier to get the information out. Find whatever suits you!

Make sure you surround yourself with the people that keep you positive- It’s quite easy for anyone to get caught up with people who don't actually have your best interests at heart or people who make you feel bad (even if they don't mean to). Make sure you are mindful of the people around you and the impact that they are having upon your life.

Ask someone to be your food buddy- A family member could be someone who helps you to manage your eating disorder and can support you through all of the bad times. This food buddy can help you to ensure that your meals stay healthy which will keep you in a good frame of mind. For me,  I needed a family member to not force the issue of food for me as long as I regimented small and regular healthy meals. This way the meal time isn’t a a completely terrifying ordeal for me, its more about listening to your body.

Time-out- make sure that you plan some time regularly where you can have a little time out from everyone and their expectations. Sometimes it can be very tiring to make sure that you stay completely string for people during the holidays so to ensure that this doesn't affect your recovery, make sure that you dedicate some 'me-time'

Anxiety Tips
Sit as tall as possible with your feet fat on the floor, and try to take your mind off the stressful situation or things that are going on around you

Take a slow deep breath in while counting to 3

Hold your breath for a count of 3

Exhale slowly while counting to 3

Repeat 3 times (or as many as needed)

You can find Louise over on her social media accounts below if you'd like to ask her any questions or speak to her in general;

I'll see you soon

Kimberley Jessica


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Bloglovin; Kimberley Jessica
Snapchat: @kim_mcpherson

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  1. This is a really good posf, you've given some good tips! I couldn't agree more with "surround yourself with positive people" its amazing how just surrounding yourself with positive people instead of negative helps your mental health.

    Megan /


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